
Success Secrets:11 Habits That Will Help You to Become More Successful

Success is nearly a magical idea for most people. It always wants to win but win or lose, it inhibits our learning. If we win, we think we know it all and have nothing more to learn. If we lose, we feel so defeated that learning is a hollow consolation... It traps us in a system of praise or blame, credit or shame, a system that gives primacy to goals and external evaluations, devalues the gift of self-knowledge, and diminishes our capacity to take risks that may yield growth.

People will take notice. You are starting to close the gap between vision and reality. Your vision is no longer just a thought in your mind, but it is taking form. You are continuing to make progress by watering the seed. You are staying consistent. So now, you reach the point at which you are doing more than you thought you could do.
Success Secrets:11 Habits That Will Help You to Become More Successful Success Secrets:11 Habits That Will Help You to Become More Successful Reviewed by Proper Health on October 07, 2019 Rating: 5
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