One way to keep your mind sharp is to participate in activities that help your mind work better. Keeping your brain limber is a lot like keeping your entire body healthy and limber – you must use it. As they said, when you were younger, "…if, you don’t use it, you will lose it." These are activities you can choose from that will help you improve your brain function.
While this is mentioned in other areas, it cannot be overstated that moving is essential. If you can walk, you should seek to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps every day to maintain your current physical fitness level.
At least once a day, read something for 20 to 30 minutes that makes you really think and challenge your ideas or requires that you also look up a little information on the topic for full understanding. Using parts of your brain that you don’t use as much now since graduating from school will help keep your mind limber.
Again, learning something new is very stimulating to your brain. By making new connections, you improve the old connections.
When you’re listening to music and dancing around your house, you’re improving your mood, your health, and reducing stress all in one. Plus, by singing the songs while you listen and dance, you will also stimulate another area of your brain, making it all work together better to improve your cognitive performance.
If you’re not very good at learning things on your own and need more structure to do it, take a class. You may, depending on your age, qualify for free tuition or be able to sit in on a class (an audit) for free or at a lesser charge. If you want credit, though, it can also be worth it for more reasons than mind development.
Doing a puzzle every day, whether a word, number or shape puzzle, can help you work out parts of your brain that you don’t normally work out daily. It helps keep your mind sharp and your memory intact.
A really great way to stimulate your brain is to try to learn a new language. Learning a foreign language engages all parts of your brain as you picture what the words mean, pronounce them, and write them.
These activities will stimulate your brain in a new way. If you think of your body, we know that physical activity will increase blood flow. Doing an activity that challenges your mind and is harder than what you did yesterday will also increase blood flow in your brain and thus help you improve your cognitive ability.
1. Walk More.
While this is mentioned in other areas, it cannot be overstated that moving is essential. If you can walk, you should seek to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps every day to maintain your current physical fitness level.
2. Read Hard Things.
At least once a day, read something for 20 to 30 minutes that makes you really think and challenge your ideas or requires that you also look up a little information on the topic for full understanding. Using parts of your brain that you don’t use as much now since graduating from school will help keep your mind limber.
3. Take Up a New Hobby.
Again, learning something new is very stimulating to your brain. By making new connections, you improve the old connections.
4. Listen to Music and Dance.
When you’re listening to music and dancing around your house, you’re improving your mood, your health, and reducing stress all in one. Plus, by singing the songs while you listen and dance, you will also stimulate another area of your brain, making it all work together better to improve your cognitive performance.
5. Take a Class.
If you’re not very good at learning things on your own and need more structure to do it, take a class. You may, depending on your age, qualify for free tuition or be able to sit in on a class (an audit) for free or at a lesser charge. If you want credit, though, it can also be worth it for more reasons than mind development.
6. Do Puzzles.
Doing a puzzle every day, whether a word, number or shape puzzle, can help you work out parts of your brain that you don’t normally work out daily. It helps keep your mind sharp and your memory intact.
7. Do More Math.
Even if you don’t normally like math, doing math is helpful in keeping your brain sharp. Consider math puzzles, or just doing your times tables in your head. Any math you can do in your head can help. It’s a good thing to do when you’re waiting in line too.8. Eat New Food.
Doing things that heighten your senses is a great way to improve brain function. Eating is a fun thing to do that can also be good for you. Instead of eating the same chicken, rice, and veggies for dinner tonight, try cooking something (or going out) to eat - something brand new and different from your normal food.9. Learn a New Language.
A really great way to stimulate your brain is to try to learn a new language. Learning a foreign language engages all parts of your brain as you picture what the words mean, pronounce them, and write them.
These activities will stimulate your brain in a new way. If you think of your body, we know that physical activity will increase blood flow. Doing an activity that challenges your mind and is harder than what you did yesterday will also increase blood flow in your brain and thus help you improve your cognitive ability.
Best Activities That Sharpen Your Mind Shortcuts - The Easy Way
Reviewed by Proper Health
November 25, 2019