Thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland in our neck that secretes all important hormones that control major bodily functions, including how to digest food and use energy. When your thyroid slows down, everything slows down.
So the thyroid needs very specific nutrients to maintain proper function. Here are 10 best foods to eat for your thyroid health.
Rich in pectins, a gelatinous fiber that helps clear the body of heavy metals.Coconut Oil
Contains healthy medium-chain fatty acids which stimulate thyroid hormone production.Yogurt
Rich in vitamin D, a key hormone-like substance that’s involved in immune system regulation.Beans
High in fiber, which can help prevent or reduce constipation.Spinach
Great source of iron, B vitamins which are needed for hormone creation.Pumpkin seeds
High in zinc, critical to thyroid health and is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.Walnuts
Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower inflammation and enhance immunity.Almond
Contains iron, selenium and zinc with essential B vitamins and high protein content.Olive Oil
Increases blood levels of serotonin, a hormone associated with satiety.Garlic
Garlic supports blood-sugar metabolism and helps control fat levels in the blood.
10 Best Foods to Eat for Thyroid Health
Reviewed by Proper Health
July 14, 2018