
Top Cool tips for staying hydrated this summer

When planning for an outdoor summer event, whether it’s a backyard cookout, a pool party,
 a beach day, or sporting event, you can never over-prepare for beverages.
Try these hydration tips to make sure you make it part of your summer fun.

• Drinking frequently before you get thirsty.
• Pack your cooler with drinks low in sugar, caffeine free, and alcohol free.
• Excessive amounts of sugar can further dehydrate you–avoid sodas, fruit cocktails, and sweet teas unless sweetened without sugar.
• If you will be sweating, consider drinking a sports drink or other electrolyte replacement.
• Considering making up pitchers to share at an event. You can add a combination of herbs and fruits to your water to give it more appeal.
• Plan hydrating foods to share. Choose juicy fruits, salads (fruit or vegetable), gelatins, and sugar free popsicles (perfect for the children).
• Stay in the shade, have a fan nearby, and wear loose, light colored clothing to minimize sweating.
• Plan your outdoor events during the late mornings or evenings when possible to avoid the peak heat of the day (1-3 p.m.).

Top Cool tips for staying hydrated this summer Top Cool tips for staying hydrated this summer Reviewed by Proper Health on July 15, 2018 Rating: 5
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