
5 Amazing Ways to Use Banana Peels for Your Skin

5 Amazing Ways to Use Banana Peels for Your Skin

The banana is a popular fruit. It’s like that due to the fact that is easy fruit on to-go and because of its many vitamins and nutrients.

People eat a banana before bed in case they have problems sleeping. But did you know that you can use its skin?

Yes, you can use the peel on your skin. Read on, to find out how the peel can help your skin.

5 Different Ways to Use Banana Peel

1. Relieves Symptoms of Eczema, Acne, and Psoriasis:

Banana peels can lower the itchiness and inflammation which accompanies serious skin condition such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema. It’s like that thanks to its rich content in potassium and antioxidants.

How to Use the Banana Peel

First, you need to cut a small piece of the peel. Take it and run its inside on your affected areas. Leave the peel fibers for half an hour and then clean it.

You need to do this 3 times on a daily basis for a few days. If you have the time, feel free to leave the peel fibers on your affected areas overnight and clean it in the morning.

2. Eases Puffy Eyes

The banana peels contain potassium. The potassium helps eliminate the external salt on your skin which leads to fluid retention and causes that look of puffy eyes.

The banana peels are also good for eliminating the dark circles under the eyes.

How to Use the Banana Peel

You need to cut the banana peel into 2 pieces which will be big enough to cover both eyes. In order to notice results, you need to leave these 2 pieces overnight. In the morning you will have a fresh look.

3. Protects the Skin from UV Rays

The banana peel has vitamin C. That makes the peel an excellent source of antioxidants that prevents damage of the cells, even damage due to the harmful ultraviolet rays.

To be more clear, the banana peel can serve as a natural sunscreen.

How to Use the Banana Peel

You need to rub the inside of the peel on your skin every time before you go out in the sun.

4. Moisturizes the Skin

Believe it or not, but the peel of the banana can help in case of dry skin. It’s like that thanks to the potassium in the skin, which is fantastic for dry skin.

How to Use the Banana Peel
Cut the banana peel into pieces. Take the pieces and rubs its inside on your skin. The result will be moisturized skin. This can help mainly for very dry parts.

5. Decreases the Aging Signs

The free radicals lead to cell damage in the skin. Here the banana peels help. How? They are rich in antioxidants, which prevent cell damage and fight the free radicals.

The lesser the damage is, the lower the aging signs such as age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. Therefore, if you want younger and radiant skin, all you need is a banana peel.

How to Use the Banana Peel

You need to rub the inside of the peel on your skin. Then leave the peel on your skin for around 30 minutes. After just clean with water. Have you used banana peel as a beauty treatment before?
5 Amazing Ways to Use Banana Peels for Your Skin 5 Amazing Ways to Use Banana Peels for Your Skin Reviewed by Proper Health on July 11, 2018 Rating: 5
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